
To Donate Online

To make a financial contribution, please click the button below, including setting up a recurring donation.

Also, please consider helping offset the fees charged by our friends at PayPal.

To Donate by mail, please send your check to: The Guatemala Project 3915 James Ave Iowa City, IA 52246

Donation of Goods:

Donations of goods generally cannot be accepted as there is currently no reliable way to ship them to Guatemala. Exceptions may be made in times where Service Teams are willing and able to hand-deliver donations to Guatemala. Please contact us for more information.

Please consider donating to benefit our cause of improving the lives of the impoverished people of Guatemala. As a 501(C)(3) designated organization, your donations may be tax deductible. Please see your tax or financial advisor for more information. To see a copy of our reports filed annually with the Internal Revenue Service, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below.

To donate online, please click the button below, including setting up a recurring donation.

Also, please consider helping offset the fees charged by our friends at PayPal.

Please consider donating to benefit our cause of improving the lives of the impoverished people of Guatemala.

As a 501(C)(3) designated organization, your donations may be tax deductible. Please see your tax or financial advisor for more information. To see a copy of our reports filed annually with the Internal Revenue Service, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below.

As the Guatemala Project and ImagininGUATEmala believe that it is imperative to be good stewards of the money given by our supporters, over 99% of all donated funds go directly toward the designated programs.

We invite you to explore our Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar to discover why we have been honored with the Platinum Seal. We take pride in sharing our complete story with the world, and you can access our profile by clicking on the seal above. Your continued support makes all of this possible.

The metrics we present are a direct reflection of the generous contributions we receive. Without your support, our mission to uplift the lives of impoverished Guatemalans would remain an unattainable goal.

GuideStar, the world's foremost nonprofit information resource, recognizes and honors nonprofit organizations with the prestigious Platinum Seal of Transparency. By sharing key metrics that reflect our progress toward our mission, we aim to provide our valued donors with a clear understanding of how their contributions empower and strengthen our organization. Our enhanced GuideStar Nonprofit Profile now encompasses comprehensive details, encompassing contact and organizational particulars, financial data, insights into our goals, strategies, capabilities, and a comprehensive account of our results and ongoing progress. This comprehensive information underscores our unwavering dedication to transparency and equips our donors and supporters with substantive data to assess the impact of our work.

As the Guatemala Project and ImagininGUATEmala believe that it is imperative to be good stewards of the money given by our supporters, over 99% of all donated funds go directly toward the designated programs.

To Donate by mail, please send your check to: The Guatemala Project 3915 James Ave Iowa City, IA 52246

GuideStar, the world's foremost nonprofit information resource, recognizes and honors nonprofit organizations with the prestigious Platinum Seal of Transparency. By sharing key metrics that reflect our progress toward our mission, we aim to provide our valued donors with a clear understanding of how their contributions empower and strengthen our organization. Our enhanced GuideStar Nonprofit Profile now encompasses comprehensive details, encompassing contact and organizational particulars, financial data, insights into our goals, strategies, capabilities, and a comprehensive account of our results and ongoing progress. This comprehensive information underscores our unwavering dedication to transparency and equips our donors and supporters with substantive data to assess the impact of our work.

The metrics we present are a direct reflection of the generous contributions we receive. Without your support, our mission to uplift the lives of impoverished Guatemalans would remain an unattainable goal.

We invite you to explore our Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar to discover why we have been honored with the Platinum Seal. We take pride in sharing our complete story with the world, and you can access our profile by clicking on the seal above. Your continued support makes all of this possible.